Sunday, September 7, 2014

Who even knows what day it is anymore - Boston, MA

Well, we're in Boston.

We'll be leaving soon, hopefully. It's really kind of awful here. The traffic is honestly the most confusing thing either of us has ever had to deal with, and everything is crazy expensive. We paid $10 to park for the first hour, with $14 for three hours or less as the next step up. Not only were those the lowest prices in Boston, they were also the reduced weekend prices. It's really pretty here though, and it seems like it'd be a great place if you had a large amount of expendable income or don't mind wasting gas driving in circles, two categories we fall far outside of. It was even hard to find a place to spend the night, and we ended up camping out in a hotel parking lot for the night. We'll have to find somewhere else for tonight, but we've got a few more hours before that's really a concern.

We spent the last couple of days in Conway, NH, where we had a lovely little public parking lot next to a patch of grass with an outlet - practically everything we could ever hope for. We hiked around the mountains and the tiny tourist town for a couple of days, and then headed out last night, when we were tired of the little strip of New Hampshire we'd acquainted ourselves with. Suffice to say we're missing Conway pretty hard right about now.

Jackson has a few historic sites here he wants to see, and I'd like to stop by Salem and see what it's like. Maybe we can hunt down the statue of the founder I'm related to and take a photo or something. I'm hoping there'll be some free museums there we can peruse. I've never really been taught much about the Salem Witch trials, and that's always bothered me, so perhaps this is how I'll learn about it.

There's a couple of topics I've been wanting to write about recently, but I think it'll take me a while to be able to phrase what I want to say in a way that will aptly convey my ideas, so look forward to a few posts about fear and change, because they'll be in the works sometime. I've always thought the hardest part about writing for yourself was starting, so I'll let you know when I figure that bit out.

And to reiterate, AVOID BOSTON (unless you're rich, in which case, would you like to sponsor us?).

1 comment:

  1. im actually generally surprised the road system and the drivers were so bad im not to surprised on how expensive it is but i didn't know it was THAT expensive. but hey at least you guys are safe and not getting yelled at by a mad driver

    i hope you guys have a better time in the next place you go though
