Foremost in this group would be, as the title would suggest, warm food and the ability to not smell like a highschool locker room. Previously, the most effort required of me to produce a hot meal was a six foot walk to the microwave. Now, in order to aquire a nice warm cup of noodley stuff, I have to scour various building for an available outlet, plug in our electric kettle, and hope no one noticices me crouching in the bushes before the water starts boiling. Needless to say, scrambling to find an outlet so I can eat is not something I've had to deal with before.
As for the stench, having been a teenage boy for most of my life, I have grown used to some pretty bad smells. The difference between then and now, of course, is the fact that now I can't take a shower to feel squeaky clean. Today i took my first shower in about a week and a half by the grace of a friend my father had in Boston, and to loosely quote Emie, turning off the water sucked. Now some of you may be thinking, 'But Jackson, it's only been two weeks! Surely it can't smell that bad already.' And let me assure you, it does not feel like it's been two weeks, and it certainly doesn't smell like it.
Hopefully Emie will post on this subject later on to discuss it, as she will be far more eloquent in her explanation. I just wanted to update the blog, as one of our friends thought we were dead. So yes. Still alive, still smelly, and still not fond of the Boston street planners. Will update the vlog soonish, but until then, may the force be with you. -J
Well im just glad you two aren't dead :D but in all seriousness the most simple things we don't think about to much in life are taken granted like warm food, showers and ect but at least you two are making it through and having a good time together :)
ReplyDeletejust remember this you two are pursuing your goal of going around the country not many people your age can say that.
just remember to stay safe out of the "danger zone" :3